Lesson 3.3: Vocabulary

Learn the following vocabulary below. Use note cards to write out each word with the English meaning on the other side. Say each word aloud as you write it out and review.

As an additional exercise, write out the declensions for each of the nouns. Create a variety of verb and noun combinations.

  • Noun entries will have the word, the genitive singular ending, and the gendered article. For example: βουλή, ῆς, ἡ.
  • The noun articles are:
    • ἡ (feminine)
    • ὁ (masculine)
    • τό (neuter)
  • The ν at the end of ἔχουσιν is called a nu-movable. See notes 561 and 562 below regarding the nu-movable. It will appear periodically in the translation exercises.
  • The double gamma (γγ) in κλαγγή is pronounced like the ng in sing, sang, sung, song, etc.

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